Taylor Smart is committed to complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles.
Unless you choose to give us information about you, we do not collect any personally identifiable information from the visitors to our website.
Our website server makes a “log” or record of your visit that shows the Domain Name Server (DNS) part of your e-mail address, the pages of our website visited by you, the date and time that you visited our site, and the kind of browser that you used.
We use this information to monitor the performance of our website server and to obtain statistical information.
As of the date of publication, our website server is located in Singapore and, as a result, this information may be sent to and/or stored at that location. It is not likely that personal information will be otherwise disclosed to overseas recipients.
We collect personal information from you to enable us to provide you with legal advice and representation. Specifically, we require such information to assess the nature of such matters upon which we are asked to act, to provide legal services, to satisfy the requirements of third parties such as regulatory authorities and State and Federal courts and tribunals, to carry out administrative tasks and to provide newsletters and updates.
We collect the information by physical and electronic note-taking, recording and photocopying, and hold the information in physical files and in a document management system.
It may be necessary for us to provide personal information obtained from you to other organizations. Such organizations may include entities associated with Taylor Smart, agents, contractors, insurers, advisers, Counsel, organizations with whom we have an alliance or arrangements, and other entities where it is reasonable to expect that personal information would be provided by us in the course of, or incidental to, the provision of services by us.
Such disclosure is to the extent necessary to enable us to provide our services to you, or to the extent necessary to enable us to comply with our legal obligations. It is not likely that it will be disclosed to overseas recipients.
We may additionally use such information (and disclose such information to one or more of the above organizations in order to efficiently do so, such disclosure being to the minimum amount necessary) to keep you informed of our services, events and legal developments, to seek your feedback on Taylor Smart and upon relevant legal issues, and other such matters, by means including by email or other electronic means.
When we request personal information from you, you may choose not to provide it to us. However, if you so choose, we may not be able to act for you, or if we are already acting for you, we may not be able to continue to act for you.
Under the Privacy Act, you have a right to access personal information we hold about you. If the information is incorrect, you have the right to require us to amend the information.
Should you have any queries or require access to personal information, please contact the lawyer handling your matter or Mr Peter Nevin, our Privacy Officer, on 08 9325 8266. Privacy complaints will be dealt with by, and should be directed to, our Privacy Officer.
Last amended: 13 March 2014